Inclusive Education: a dialogue with Basic Education stemmed from the Policy Cycle
Inclusive education, Basic education, Public policies.Abstract
The discussion about quality education for all has been the subject of concern in political, academic, non-governmental organizations and in several other fields. These discussions have been historically reflecting in the production of a significant number of legal devices that legislate on Special and Inclusive Education. The objective of this study is to present and discuss, stemmed from the Policy Cycle approach, the conceptions of Basic Education professionals, regarding to the inclusion, steaming from the results obtained through a meeting organized through a focus group. In order to do this, we restricted the study to the context of practice, which indicates that the professionals' conceptions regarding to inclusion are strongly related to the barriers or the obstacles that emerge against their effectiveness in the school environment. The voices of the teachers are loaded with a certain anguish, for the failure to carry out an Education that includes everyone in the teaching-learning process. In view of this, these discourses explain the justifications for non-inclusion, by exalting the obstacles that permeate their practices.
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