The relationship between family and school in the view of teachers after a continuing education course
Inclusive context, Continuing Education, Family and schoolAbstract
The contact between family and school is of paramount importance for students' school inclusion. Family participation in the schooling process of students with intellectual disabilities, is essential for children development. Thus, in order to meet the theme of the family and school relationship, a study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the opinion of teachers about the relationship between family and school after conducting a continuing education course. For the method, an online questionnaire was developed and sent as an invitation to 147 teachers who completed a continuing education course in the area of inclusive pedagogical practices for the area of intellectual disability. The questionnaire was structured containing nine objective questions and one open question. As a result, through the answers to the questionnaire, it was possible to infer that they understood the importance of this relationship, and that both the relationship with the students' parents, as well as the issues related to inclusions are everyone's responsibility, in addition to expanding their view on the issue of partnerships.
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