Special Education on Indigenous Schools: analysis of the school census of 2007-2010
Special Education, Indigenous School Education, School Census.Abstract
On Brazilian educational policy it is noted that the interface between Special Education with Indigenous Education is being built. Thus, to investigate how this interface is being implemented in the context of Indigenous Schools is of high relevance. So, this paper has as a general objective to analyze the interface between Special Education and Indigenous Education in Brazil, using school enrollment data of 2007-2010‘s school census. The specific objectives resulted in characterizing: (a) the amount of enrollments made by indigenous students with disabilities on indigenous schools; (b) the kinds of disabilities found on indigenous population; (c) the type of education indigenous students with disabilities are enrolled in; and (d) to verify if the indigenous students with disabilities receive specialized educational services. Data were collected through “Microdados do Censo Escolar da Educação Básica”, provided by the Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP), referred to the years of 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. This study found out there was a significant increase of the number of indigenous students with disabilities enrolled on indigenous schools in Brazil. Regarding specialized educational services, it is emphasized that there was an increase of the number of students with disabilities on indigenous schools, without any kind of special care.Downloads
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