Perception of students with high abilities/giftedness in health graduations
High Abilities/Giftness, Students, University educationAbstract
Study about the perception of gifted students, which seeks to apprehend their anxieties and expectations from their entry in the universities, where they begin to experience a different universe of learning. The objective was to apprehend the experience of these students in health graduations and understand how they perceive the teaching and learning process in this context. Exploratory and descriptive research with a qualitative approach, through semi-structured interviews with nine undergraduate health students. The categories found were: university experience, lack of knowledge about giftedness, social interaction and self-perception. The results reveal that the entrance of the gifted at university aroused feelings of anguish and surprise The lack of knowledge of many professors about giftedness was evidenced, which indicates that for them, being gifted is having the obligation to know all the subjects and get excellent grades. It was noted that the perception of the theme of giftedness lies in invisibility and although inclusion is discussed, giftedness is not always included in the debate. This is because the imagination about giftedness that comes from common sense ends up corroborating the idea of genius, which interferes in the construction of a critical look at the issue. It is concluded that further studies are needed, with training offers for all employees who make up the staff of educational institutions, especially teachers. Training to meet the specifics of giftedness requires the development of active teaching strategies that can stimulate their abilities.
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