People with disabilities and special education in Brazil in the last 200 years: subjects, concepts and interpretations
Special Student, Special education, History, Concepts, InclusionAbstract
The article analyzes the different concepts of student and special education in Brazil since 1822, aiming to understand the conceptual evolution of the terms through the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, in the paths of segregation, integration and inclusion, analyzing the impacts of the historical moment and the ideologies dominant in the construction of concepts related to special students and special education. The method used in the study assumes the theoretical-documentary study of works that deal with the theme of the history of special education and disability, in addition to the analysis of legal acts that complement our interpretations. From the study carried out, we evidenced that the concepts of special student and special education evolved according to the predominant points of view in each era: from a medical-mystical-religious interpretation, to a psychologist and, later, pedagogical. In addition, we conclude that historical processes guided special education on the path from segregation to integration and, finally, to inclusion, according to the ideal of nation intended in each era.
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