Interdisciplinarity in science teaching: Reflections and challenges for undergraduate students in Natural Sciences
Science Teaching, Training, InterdisciplinarityAbstract
Reflections and challenges of undergraduate students in natural sciences were investigated in the midst of conducting potentially interdisciplinary didactic sequences within the scope of the Pedagogical Residency Program, between the years 2018 and 2020. Nine undergraduate students in the undergraduate course in Natural Sciences participated in the study, from the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco, Senhor do Bonfim campus, Bahia. The sequences were carried out in two school institutions: in a municipal school located in the rural area of the municipality of Campo Formoso and in an urban school located in Senhor do Bonfim. Data collection was carried out through content analysis from responses of the licensing participants to the interviews and questionnaire. The analyzes generated the following categories: 1) Potentially interdisciplinary actions; 2) Reflections on changes to the proposal; 3) Challenges and difficulties. There were concerns about teaching methodologies, interaction with teachers, adaptations in school time and the engagement of students in schools.
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