The signifier common in the contemporary educational political agenda
Common, Curriculum, Educational policyAbstract
This text proposes to search for other possibilities of understanding the term ‘common’ and its effects to face the curricular debates in Brazil. The empirical field of this analysis consisted in two collections about the National Curricular Guideline (BNCC): Common National Basis: curricular projects in dispute (2015) and BNCC
contrary to PNE 2014-2024: evaluation and perspectives (2018). Having as privileged interlocution the post-foundational discursive approach (LACLAU; MOUFFE, 2004, LACLAU, 1990, 2008, 2011, MARCHART, 2009), it was chosen to analyze the meaning of the signifier common, whose meanings were mobilized and legitimated in the texts that compose both collections selected. By the time we verified the hegemony of the meaning common in the exclusive domain of legal field, we propose a displacement of the meaning of this category to the political domain, defending it as a political principle that is manifested by the institution of the nonappropriate (DARDOT; LAVAL, 2017). This propose considers thinking the school, the curriculum and the knowledge in a radically democratic perspective.
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