Systematic review on evaluation for initial identification of students with intellectual disability
Special education, Intelectual disability, Identification.Abstract
One of the services for attending special education students, including students with intellectual disabilities (ID), are Specialized Educational Attendance. Most of these students are first identified by the teachers (common room or resource room). From this, some questions arose, which, in order to be answered, the present research had the objective of investigating the forms of identification of students with ID, through a systematic review of scientific publications found in databases online in the period of 2010 to 2017. This review was made from the relevant publications, selected according to results from 10 combinations of seven research terms . The search was done in the Lilacs and Portal de Periodicos de la Capes Journal Portal databases. After systematization and analysis of the content of the publications and extraction of information regarding the form of identification of this public, the categorization of the texts was carried out according to the themes of the studies found. It was found that the investigations do not present objective evaluation forms, describing them superficially, mentioning in the majority criteria such as those established by the American Association on Intellectual Deficiency and Development, an issue that does not only occur in Brazil, but also in other countries of Latin America, according to studies show. In view of the scarcity of results, the importance of conducting research that focuses on the systematization, standardization and dissemination of the forms of evaluation of people with ID are highlighted.Downloads
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