The transformations of knowledge to teach and knowledge to teach in the teaching profession
Formação de professores, Research, Identity, Teacher TrainingAbstract
In this work we analyze challenges posed to the identity and formation of teachers by the epistemological transformations produced in the field of knowledge to teach and in the domain of knowledge necessary to teach. We admit that the teacher is a cognitive worker who mobilizes knowledge from the field of knowledge to teach and in the field of knowledge to teach, admitting that his action is not limited to transpose these two types of knowledge. Thus, at first, we reflect on the transformations of the epistemological structure of the knowledge to be taught based on a set of works that reflect on the challenges posed by the "Cutting-Edge Sciences". In a second moment we propose a brief analysis of the evolution that took place in the research structures of the Educational Sciences and its relationship with professional practices and narratives. Before synthesizing our reflection we propose a wandering about the knowledge of the action and its discrete mode of existence.
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