Ensino Remoto: reflexões sobre o ensino e a aprendizagem na perspectiva dos professores
Remote Learning, Elementary School, Teaching-learningAbstract
This essay presents a reflection on remote teaching and learning from the perspective
of teachers from the Early Years of Elementary School who work in a municipality in
the Northern region of the State of Paraná, on issues related to access to Information
and Communication Technologies, as well as the meaning of learning at this time of
pandemic. The methodology used is based on the critical dialectical approach,
focusing on the content and form categories, based on the studies by Cury (1985) and
Gamboa (2012). Therefore, the methodological path is based on the principles of
qualitative research. The set of procedures to support the investigation was formed by
bibliographical research. To enable the collection of information, as a result of
measures of social distancing and suspension of in-person classes, we developed the
survey by applying an online form, created through the Google Forms platform, and
this was aimed at teachers in the Early Years of Elementary School. At the end of the
study, it was found that remote learning does not reach all students due to the lack of
access to digital media. Teachers also reported that through digital tools it is not
possible to identify whether students are appropriating the contents worked.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of the on-site public school
for Elementary School due to the socioeconomic diversity of the public served, as well
as the relevance of the interaction and mediation processes that take place in the social
space of the school.
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