Deaf subjectivations: Discourses on the (in) existence of Libras in the school space
Communication, Libras, Deaf SubjectsAbstract
This article problematizes the education of the deaf and the acquisition of language as a process of constituting subjects of relational life and as an inducer of the conditions of: learning, cognitive development and interactions. As the corpus of analysis we chose a bilingual video on deafness and Libras, published in 2020, on Youtube and Instagram to highlight the confrontations of a deaf child in the schooling process and the request for dignified communication. Therefore, through discursive analysis, the objective of this article is to elucidate what are the speeches of this video on deafness. What speeches emerge from it? We highlight, from the analysis movement: who is the subject of the discourse and the positions it occupies; the appeal that the girl refers to deaf children in ordinary schools with the listeners, indicating the desire for the practice of school inclusion in a different way from what she is currently experiencing; the discussions about the central problem, the (non) access to communication, since different interventions are needed (communication with peers, with teachers, simultaneous translation, interpreter support, among others), which do not always make school content accessible; and, the demand for a culture of communication between deaf and listeners in an attempt to modify their school experiences.
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