The school education in the context of the pandemic: between guidelines and reality
Education, School activities, PandemicAbstract
This essay proposes to reflect on how school education has been developed in the face of the recent changes in the world of work that bring flexibility, precariousness, and teacher illness as characteristics, issues that have been enhanced in the current pandemic of COVID-19. Questions: How did education develop during the period of social isolation resulting from the pandemic? What strategies were used to guide the pedagogical activities with the students? It is an important issue in the face of the political and economic context of the country that has characteristics, even before the pandemic, of precarious working relationships, and of deep social and educational inequalities. Developed from reflections based on a bibliographic and documentary study, it highlights concerns of “World Monitoring of School Closures due to COVID 19”, developed by UNESCO, as well as the guidelines of the National Council of Education for carrying out school tasks in face of the Brazilian reality. This work emphasizes that the guidelines of the CNE indicate technological mediation for the continuity of school activities, through the development of practices that make impossible the face-to-face pedagogical mediation, fundamental to social practice. This process also deepens the precariousness of teaching work, as well as the initial and continuing education. The article considers that the development of activities with the supposed quality, despite the efforts of schools and students, will not be achieved.
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