Teacher Education in the Municipal Education Plan of Dourados-MS
Educational politics, Teacher training, Educational planningAbstract
This article stems from a broader investigation that aimed to analyze the theme of Teacher Valuation in the process of formulating the Municipal Education Plan (PME/2015) in the municipality of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, as well as the clashes found by the category during the process of formulating the PME goals and strategies and the subsequent approval by the executive branch. The focus proposed here has its emphasis on initial and continuing education, considered as one of the constituent elements of teacher appreciation. Bibliographic and documentary research was used, based on a qualitative study, the documentary corpus was composed of several sources, such as the official journal, online news, reports from the local union and the municipal government, in addition to the dialogue with the production of the area that deals with the thematic. It was found that, at the time of the process of formulating the goals and strategies of the PME de Dourados, an approximation with the National Education Plan (PNE/2014) was sought, which determined to the Brazilian municipalities and states the elaboration of their respective plans. decades of education. Although the process of formulating the PME was carried out in a democratic and collective way, with the participation of organized civil society, its approval took place in an authoritarian way with hundreds of changes made by the executive, and thus the document was approved by the legislature without dialogue with the representatives involved in the PME formulation process. Such changes determined by the executive and endorsed by the legislature, without space for debate, caused discontent not only for teachers, but for the quality of municipal public education.
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