Assessment of students with autism in inclusive Education: State of the art
Autism;, Educational assessment;, Specialized Educational Service.Abstract
The growing number of enrollments of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in mainstream schools constitutes a challenge for the inclusive practice of specialized educational services (AEE). This is because, among the responsibilities of the AEE, it is foreseen the knowledge of students with ASD through the educational evaluation process with a view to identifying barriers to full participation and learning. Considering the heterogeneity in the learning profile of students with ASD, the identification of these specificities requires a careful evaluation process. Therefore, the objective of this study is to present the state of the art on educational instruments for evaluating students with autism spectrum disorder. The methodological path was through a narrative review of assessment instruments on ASD in a research carried out in the Scielo databases, Capes Periodical Portal, Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, Educ@ and Google Scholar. The results show that there is a shortage of assessment instruments for students with ASD in the context of education, creating a gap that contrasts with their diversity in the health field. Considering the incompatibility of using clinical assessments in the school context, it is understood that AEE teachers are lacking support for identifying barriers to participation and learning, and thus threatening the quality of information necessary for the preparation of teaching plans for students with ASD.
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