Experiences of autistic students in Higher Education: access, permanence and inclusion
Autism, Higher Education, InclusionAbstract
This article aims to analyze the experiences of autistic students in a Higher Education institution. Methodologically, this is a collaborative-critical action research, carried out with a group of 15 autistic undergraduate and postgraduate students at the Federal University of Sergipe. Thirteen face-to-face collective meetings were held, with the discussion of various themes related to the context of inclusion in higher education, such as access to university, teaching and learning methods, social factors, among others. Therefore, the data analyzed were the descriptive-analytical reports of the meetings, based on content analysis and a historical-cultural perspective. It was observed that the bureaucratic and evidentiary process for enrollment, the lack of initial support for recognizing the dynamics of the university, and, especially, the difficulty in understanding the academic community regarding the autism spectrum, are factors that contribute to the maintenance of educational and social barriers for these people in Higher Education.
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