Unveiling Educational Approaches in Higher Education: Analysis through the Lens of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Higher Education, Inclusive Education, Curriculum approach, Undergraduate, AccessibilityAbstract
This article presents an analysis of educational approaches employed in the context of Higher Education, from the perspective of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The adopted method consists of a comparative study involving six teachers from the North region and twenty from the Midwest region of Brazil, all teaching in undergraduate courses in Pedagogy and Medicine, respectively. Data collection included examination of the Pedagogical Projects of these courses, Teaching Plans of the professors, and questionnaires distributed to the faculty, interpreted through content analysis. The findings and discussions reveal that while the teachers may not have explicit knowledge of UDL, they demonstrate developing flexible lesson plans that empirically prioritize diversification of teaching resources and varied assessment methods. Furthermore, there is a growing concern among teachers to adapt their classes to accommodate student diversity, utilizing digital tools for disseminating and sharing support materials, thereby making them accessible to all students.
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