Analysis of thematic trend of articles published in Revista de Educação Especial: 2010-2013
Journal of Special Education, Literature review, Thematic trendsAbstract
The aim of this study is to verify the research trends in the Journal of Special Education during the years 2010-2013 and identify the most developed research themes in recent years; it also identifies undeveloped or absent themes the last four years. The selection of the journal be justified because it is a journal with a wide consolidated disclosure and which shows only articles on Special Education. This is a bibliographic research of qualitative and quantitative disposition. The articles analyzed were accessed at of the journal site resulting 134 articles. The collected information was organized into frameworks outlining developed themes and pointing out the number of articles discussing each subject, it´s was also tabulated the institution and if the article presented participants or not, and who were the participants. The results showed institutions that publishing more in the journal are the Federal University of São Carlos and Federal University of Santa Maria, the majority of research don´t present participants, followed by the items with interventions made with professionals. The most topics published are Special Education and School Inclusion, the less published are prevention and defining disability. Noticed that some disability are poorly studied or don´t present effective interventions, as in of the global development disorder, there is a great concern to work with autism but little or almost nothing is presented on the other requirements which fall in this group. Another example is in relation to the articles dealing with to the issue of deafness, another example is in relation to the articles dealing with to the issue of deafness on which we can verify only one from twelve associated to cochlear implant.
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