Environmental macroscopic analysis of shallow wells containing water for human consumption in rural properties in Brazil





Level of preservation, Water quality, Land use and occupation


Water is an essential natural resource for maintaining life and its quality is influenced by the land use and occupation within a watershed. Furthermore, water quality has a direct impact on the health and well-being of a population. The present study aimed to carry out a macroscopic environmental analysis in shallow wells found in rural properties distributed in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, including the Uruguay River Basin. The evaluation period of the macroscopic parameters took place in April 2021. The physical characteristics of the water and the state of preservation of the shallow wells and their surroundings were visually evaluated in rural properties with predominant land use and occupation through dairy production, swine farming activity and seasonal crops (agricultural crops). As results obtained for the environmental macroscopic analysis, through the weighting of the characteristics observed in each parameter about the state of preservation of the shallow wells, it was verified that they presented different classifications, ranging from the Very Good class to the Poor, being possible to identify the main sources that cause negative impacts on the evaluated locations (state of vegetation, use by animals, protection of the area and proximity to residences). Therefore, rural producers were advised to carry out protection and care measures around these wells that presented lower classifications, Fair (38,10%) and Poor (19,09%) to improve the conditions and aspects that directly influence the quality of water for human consumption.


Author Biographies

Silvana Isabel Schneider, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Sanitary and Environmental Engineer from the Federal University of Santa Maria - Campus Frederico Westphalen. Master in Environmental Science and Technology - Campus Frederico Westphalen (PPGCTA, UFSM-FW). He developed his master's degree research in the area of ​​environmental monitoring in which he worked with the quality of water used for human consumption, evaluating the physical, chemical and microbiological quality of the water, as well as the presence of emerging environmental contaminants (drugs and pesticides). He has experience in the environmental consultancy job market. He is currently undertaking an academic doctorate in Environmental Engineering (Environmental Sanitation research line) at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM)

Vanessa Faco Tarone, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Degree in progress in Environmental and Sanitary Engineering. Federal University of Santa Maria, UFSM, Brazil.

Kéli Hofstätter, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Environmental and Sanitary Engineer from the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM - Campus Frederico Westphalen and Technologist in Environmental Management from Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci, since 2021. Master's student in Environmental Science and Technology from UFSM - Campus Frederico Westphalen . He is part of the CNPq Environmental Monitoring group led by professor Dr Jaqueline Ineu Golombieski from UFSM - Campus Frederico Westphalen.

Ingrid Daniela Pacheco Batista, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering at the Federal University of Paraná. Environmental and Sanitary Engineer from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2022). Food Technician from the Federal Institute Farroupilha - Campus Santo Augusto (2017). He has laboratory experience in the areas of water quality for human consumption, water treatment and industrial effluent treatment. Works with monitoring the quality of underground and surface water through physical-chemical and microbiological analyses. Currently developing research aimed at integrating groundwater and surface water.

Milena Braitenbach Moura, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Technician in Chemistry with secondary education integrated by the Federal Institute Farroupilha - Campus Panambi; student of Environmental and Sanitary Engineering from UFSM-FW.

Marcos Toebe, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

I graduated in Administration and graduated, master's and doctorate in Agronomy with an emphasis on plant production, at the Federal University of Santa Maria. I was an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Pampa, Itaqui-RS campus, in the area of ​​Statistics and Agricultural Experimentation between 2013 and 2017, having taught classes in the Undergraduate courses in Agronomy, Interdisciplinary Bachelor's Degree in Science and Technology, Food Science and Technology and Surveying Engineering. I was coordinator of the Agronomy course, member of the Unipampa Local Research Committee - Itaqui campus, tutor of the PET AGRO Tutorial Education Program and leader of the Research Group on Agricultural Statistics and Experimentation - GPEEA (UNIPAMPA/UFSM). I completed a new public competition and was approved with a final average of 9.78 and I am currently an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria in the areas of Statistics, Agricultural Experimentation and Plant Improvement at the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. I am a permanent professor in the two postgraduate programs at UFSM-FW (PG Agronomy - Agriculture and Environment - Masters and PG in Environmental Science and Technology - Masters), Substitute Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course in Agronomy - Agriculture and Environment, member on the editorial board of three scientific journals, reviewer of periodicals and development projects in agricultural sciences, with 94 published articles, 190 works in scientific conferences and 30 projects conducted and/or in progress. The main ongoing research activities are related to experimental planning, biometric models applied to plant breeding and modeling of growth and development of agricultural crops and cover crops in floodplain and coxilha areas.

Willian Fernando de Borba, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Agricultural Technician (2005/2007), Environmental and Sanitary Engineer (2009/2014), Master in Environmental Engineering (2014/2016) and Doctor in Civil Engineering - In the area of ​​Water Resources and Environmental Sanitation (2017/2019), both by Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM. Conducts research in the areas of hydrogeology, solid waste, with an emphasis on landfills, cemeteries, soil and water contamination. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria campus in Frederico Westphalen - RS, coordinator of the Environmental and Sanitary Engineering course and Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Science and Technology - PPGCTA/UFSM. He is President of the Collegiate and NDE of the Environmental and Sanitary Engineering course, Full Member of the Collegiate of the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Science and Technology, Campus Council, Research and Extension Teaching Council (CEPE/UFSM) and Member of the Committee on Teaching, Research and Extension (COMEPE/UFSM). He has been a member of the Bank of Assessors of the National Higher Education Assessment System (BASis) since February 2023. He is based in the Department of Environmental Engineering and Technology - DETA, teaching subjects in the courses of Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Agronomy and EAD Degree in Indigenous Education .

Jaqueline Ineu Golombieski, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

He has a degree in Biological Sciences - Full Degree, from the Federal University of Santa Maria (1997), a Master's degree in Animal Science in the area of ​​Fish Physiology from UFSM (2001) and a PhD in Agronomy in the area of ​​Environmental Impacts of Pesticides used in rice farming on aquatic community, with an emphasis on vertebrates (fish) and invertebrates (zooplankton) by UFSM (2006). He has a Post-Doctorate in the area of ​​Rice Fatty Acids Survey aiming at Genetic Improvement of Cultivars. In 2013 he completed his second PhD in the area of ​​Biological Sciences - Animal Biodiversity, Fish Ecophysiology, also at UFSM working with water quality parameters and fish behavior. He has experience in the area of ​​Zoology, where he taught courses in Agronomy, Forestry Engineering and Zootechnics, with an emphasis on General Zoology, Animal Physiology, Fish Farming and Rizipisciculture. The professor teaches subjects for the Environmental and Sanitary Engineering course at UFSM-FW and advises on the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Science and Technology (PPGCTA) and is currently an Adjunct Professor at UFSM - Frederico Westphalen Campus. He is leader of the CNPq Environmental Monitoring Research Group. He works in the area of ​​Environmental Monitoring in Water Resources, developing work mainly on the following topics: fish, microcrustaceans, ecotoxicology, environmental contamination, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, water quality variables for human and animal consumption.


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How to Cite

Schneider, S. I., Tarone, V. F., Hofstätter, K., Batista, I. D. P., Moura, M. B., Toebe, M., Borba, W. F. de, & Golombieski, J. I. (2023). Environmental macroscopic analysis of shallow wells containing water for human consumption in rural properties in Brazil. Ciência E Natura, 45, e38. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X70125

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