Water potability analysis in shallow wells in the municipality of Caiçara - Rio Grande do Sul
Rural properties, Water quality, Environmental impacts.Abstract
The objective of this work was to evaluate water quality and environmental impacts in shallow wells in rural properties of Caiçara - RS. The physicochemical and microbiological analyzes were performed between September 2017 and March 2018 in three rural properties, in addition to macroscopic evaluation. According to the results obtained, variables such as nitrate, total iron, pH, apparent color and turbidity are in disagreement with the water potability legislation, Consolidation Ordinance No. 5 (2007). In addition, all water samples showed total coliforms and Escherichia coli. The conservation of shallow wells was rated as reasonable or poor. From the monitoring carried out, environmental changes can be noticed, such as the lack of protection in the place and the degradation of the vegetation caused mainly by the inadequate use and occupation of the soil. This reflects the microbiological variables that contaminate drinking water, causing potential health problems for residents of the properties. These characteristics point to the importance of actions to protect and preserve water sources, not disrespecting the socioeconomic aspects of the region, based on incentives and instructions to landowners who have shallow wells for human consumption.
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