Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.-
The contribution must be original, unpublished, and not being evaluated for publication by another journal. If the article has been submitted to another journal, the author should indicate it in the comments to the editor.
All authors of the manuscript must be registered in the Journal's System, following the submission instructions.
The documents requested in the “Documents” tab must be sent at the time of submission. Failure to provide these documents will result in the rejection of the submission.
The manuscript must follow the style standards and requirements described in the template. Citations and bibliographic references should comply with the APA Style.
The identification of the authors should not be present in any part of the manuscript.
Given the multidisciplinary nature of Ciência e Natura, it is essential that authors, when submitting their articles, do so in the appropriate section.
CeN-Ecology publishes papers on basic and applied ecology. Ecology, by definition, is the study of interactions between living organisms and the environment. The journal is focused on ecological questions, and tangent studies will not be considered. Studies on physiological responses of organisms to their abiotic environments, evolutionary ecology, population and communities structure and dynamics, intra- and interspecific interactions, ethology, landscape ecology, and ecosystems processes and services are common examples within the scope of CeN-Ecology. Studies that are not purely ecological, but that still retain a clean relationship with ecology can be considered (e.g. agroecology). In order to ensure an accurate process of peer review, the authors are encouraged to submit the study data along with their manuscript.
- Only article written in ENGLISH, and the Authors should send a Statement that the Article was revised by a specialist in English Grammar.
- Only article written in ENGLISH, and the Authors should send a Statement that the Article was revised by a specialist in English Grammar.
In this section, works are accepted in the following areas: Environmental Chemistry; Medicinal Chemistry; Biological Chemistry; Materials Chemistry; Catalysis; Natural Products; Surface and Colloidal Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; and Inorganic Chemistry.
In this section, articles from the following areas of Education are accepted: Physics; Chemistry; Biology; Mathematics; Geosciences; Statistics and Science.
In this section, articles on Environmental Management, Environmental Education, and Environmental Technology are accepted.
- Only article written in ENGLISH, and the Authors should send a Statement that the Article was revised in English Grammar.
This Section will accept works on the areas of Physical Geography with emphasis on Exacts and Earth Sciences.
CeN - Mathematics publishes articles in the areas of pure mathematics and applied mathematics. Works in algebra, analysis, geometry, topology, mathematical physics, numerical analysis, discrete mathematics, combinatorial analysis are examples of topics within the scope of this section. Works in sub-areas or related areas to those mentioned above will also be considered, as long as the focus is on the mathematical model involved. It should be noted that the Ciência e Natura journal has an Education section, so submissions with a focus on Mathematical Education, Teaching, or Learning in Mathematics or related topics are not within the scope of the Mathematics section.
CeN - Physics publishes articles on both basic and applied physics. Physics, by definition, is the branch of science concerned with the properties of matter and energy and the relationships between them. It is based on mathematics and traditionally includes mechanics, optics, electricity and magnetism, acoustics, and heat. Modern physics, based on quantum theory, includes atomic, nuclear, particle, and solid-state studies. The journal is focused on physics issues, and tangential studies will not be considered. Studies that are not purely in physics but still have a clean relationship with physics can be considered (for example, statistical physics, nanotechnology, and quantum computing). To ensure an accurate peer review process, authors are encouraged to submit study data along with the manuscript.
Copyright Notice
When an author submits their manuscript to Ciência e Natura, they grant permission for the free publication of the manuscript and accept the specified Creative Commons license, as well as agreeing to the Author Guidelines.
Privacy Statement
The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.