Displacements and possibilities for thinking about art teaching in the present





Art, Education, Art education, Teaching, School


The methods used in the initial formation of visual arts teachers have been debated for some time. Recently, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, the issue has gained more importance. The return to the classroom has highlighted the need to rethink the strategies used in the field of art/visual arts teacher education. Based on the practice of systematizing experiences, a set of situations experienced in recent years in Visual Arts teacher education courses in the South of Brazil is described, with the aim of offering elements that allow us to think about the relationships we have established between art and education, teaching and school, whether in classrooms with students in formation for teaching in art/visual arts or in schools during internship practices or even in extension curricularization activities. Based on the intersection of art/visual arts teaching initiation practices with discussions on didactic-pedagogical methods for teaching art in the school context, some clues are pointed out based on the idea of unpredictability, wandering and not-knowing. The aim is to think about training practices that are less predictable and more inventive in the field of art teaching in the contemporary world.


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Author Biography

Daniel Bruno Momoli, Federal University of Pelotas

Doutor e Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Especialista em Educação Interdisciplinar pelo Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Alto Uruguai, Licenciado em Artes pela Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina. Professor da Universidade Federal de Pelotas e coordenador do Núcleo Didático-Pedagógico do Museu de Arte Leopoldo Gotuzzo (MALG UFPel). É Vice-líder do Arteversa-Grupo de estudos e pesquisas em arte e docência (UFRGS/CNPq) e pesquisador vinculado grupo Flume-Educação e Artes Visuais (UERGS/CNPq). Foi Vice-presidente da Federação de Arte Educadores do Brasil-FAEB (2019-2020) e foi Professor Visitante da Universitat de Lleida (Espanha).


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How to Cite

Momoli, D. B. (2024). Displacements and possibilities for thinking about art teaching in the present. Revista Digital Do LAV, 17(1), e9/1–20. https://doi.org/10.5902/1983734888319

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