The approach to Youth and Adult Education in undergraduate courses at the Federal University of Santa Maria
Youth and Adult Education, Teacher training courses, CurriculumAbstract
Youth and Adult Education (EJA), organized as a teaching modality by Law of Lines of Direction and Bases of the Education (LDB/96), lacks initial teacher training that considers their specificities and reserves space in their course projects, curriculum matrices and pedagogical practices. This study presents an analysis of the presence/absence of specific curricular components and/or themes/discussions related to EJA in undergraduate courses offered by the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) Santa Maria campus. As a methodological procedure, we opted for a qualitative and descriptive research with document analysis based on the curricula of twenty-two (22) undergraduate courses. The results point to the little space occupied by the EJA theme in the curricular matrix and in the pedagogical practices of the courses. Thus, it is considered necessary to expand the approach to the EJA theme in the pedagogical projects of the analyzed degrees, as well as the investigation of this aspect in other teacher training courses in the country.
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