Overview of brazilian articles on school management published in the first quindenium of the 21st century (2001-2015)
Gestão Escolar, Educação, Pesquisa.Abstract
Through this text we present an overview of the articles on school management published in the first quindenium of the 21st century (2001-2015). The objective was to understand the variables of quantity, authorship, frequency, origin, subareas and their correlations. In this sense, the text goes back to the historical characteristics of research in school management, mapping the way the theme was built from the beginning of the century, in order to characterize, highlight and serve as a basis for other research or reports. For this, the data were organized and described from collections in the electronic libraries of the Portal de Periódicos Capes/MEC and Scielo, with review by Google Scholar. The results pointed to the constant growth in the number of studies on the topic of school management; the Brazilian regions in which the most research on the theme is researched, as well as the terms that are most frequently used in research.
Key-words: school management; education; research.
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