Topics on field and city teaching: substantive and syntactic knowledge in Geography
Content knowledge, field, city, teaching geography, teacherAbstract
This article reflects the importance of Content Knowledge in Geography, considering its value in the characterization of school subjects and, consequently, in the teacher's own identification. We understand that it is not enough to have only the domain of specific knowledge, it is also necessary to be able to bring this knowledge to the understanding of the students. Shulman (1986) points out the need for teachers to understand the structures of their areas of knowledge through Content Knowledge, that is, to have a substantive and syntactic knowledge of the curricular component they teach; being, succinctly, the first related to what is studied, its concepts and principles, and the second, to the investigation method, rules and procedures. Given the diversity of geographic content, we chose the countryside and city theme because it represents, among other reasons, an interesting teaching topic, because, regardless of where the students live, all of them carry in their history ties with the countryside or with the city. Through qualitative research, we sought to understand teaching knowledge and highlight the central role of geographic content.
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- 2022-07-20 (1)
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