The contribution of school and professional orientation in the materialization of the national special education policy oriented for educational inclusion in angola
School and vocational guidance, inclusive education process, students with special educational needsAbstract
The main objective of this article is to demonstrate the importance of Academic and Professional Guidance in the realization of the inclusive education process, with greater emphasis on the National Policy for Special Education Oriented to Inclusive Education in Angola for students with special educational needs, given their limitations, arising from specificity of the special educational need, which in a way conditions the adequate process of inclusion and, consequently, that of the profession in the absence of educational and professional guidance that develops from intentionality, planning, and systematicity. The theoretical foundations presented were developed from the bibliographic research of several researchers such as Facion (2008), Crestani, (2010), Chindembele (2010), Helena (2010), Savilombo (2018) and others who emphasize the importance of School Guidance and Professional in the process of inclusive education and consequently in the choice of profession, within the school and professional context as factors that improve the process of inclusive education. To understand the perceptions that teachers have regarding the importance of School and Professional Guidance in the process of inclusive education in the objective reality in an investigative context, a questionnaire survey was applied to 18 teachers from the Cuito Bié Inclusive/Special Teaching School Complex in the population universe of 28 teachers, whose results showed the pressing need to socialize the importance that School and Professional Guidance has in the process of Inclusive Education.
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