NAPNEs and Individualized Educational Plan at Federal Institutes of Education
Professional and technological education, Accessibility, Individualized educational plan.Abstract
As more students with educational special needs enters common educational institutions, the demand for actions that provide participation and learning for these students increases. In the context of the Federal Network of Professional and Technological Education there are Support Service for People with Specific Educational Needs (SSPSEN) and the objective of this article was to analyze the role of the centers in two Brazilian Federal Institutes of Education, as well as reflect on the importance of the Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). The study involved to analyze the guidelines for the actions of SSPSEN in the two institutes, and how is proposed the IEP development. It became evident that SSPSEN, despite making efforts to assume a considerable part of the teaching, research and extension role, have presented several weaknesses. The expansion of the centers' objective to propose individual measures requires a trained multiprofessional network. The PEI, in turn, responds to the need for collective and collaborative construction of the institution to outline objectives and guidelines focused on curricular accessibility for these students. The biggest obstacle, however, has been the lack of trained professionals and an identified latent demand is the hiring of special education teachers. In this context, SSPSEN although assuming a relevant role in the Institutes studied, as they are currently constituted are not sufficient to enforce the right of PAEE students, being necessary to fight for the implementation of public policies to remove barriers in the schooling process in these institutions.
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