Application of univariate and multivariate statistical analyzes in clonal selection of <i>Eucalyptus</i> spp. for charcoal production



Mots-clés :

Scott-Knott, principal components, hierarchical cluster, Statistical tools, Charcoal quality improvement


The aim of this study was to select superior materials of Eucalyptus spp. using univariate and multivariate statistical analyzes. Twenty-five genetic materials from Eucalyptus spp. collected in Itamarandiba, Minas Gerais were used. The properties of wood and charcoal were determined for all genetic materials, in addition to the gravimetric yield. Data were submitted to Scott-Knott hierarchical clustering algorithm as univariate analysis. For the multivariate approach, a combination between principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis was used. Both analyzes were efficient in the selection of genetic materials for charcoal production. According to the Scott-Knott test, genetic materials 9 and 21 were the most suitable to produce charcoal. By means of the multivariate analyzes the most indicated were 9, 10 and 21. The Scott-Knott test allowed the visualization of the results of each quality parameter independently. On the other hand, the multivariate tools enabled the observation of the relation between the properties of wood and charcoal.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

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Engenheira Florestal, Dra., Professora da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Laboratório de Painéis e Energia da Madeira , Rodovia Viçosa - Paula Cândido, s/n, Campus universitário, CEP 36570-900, Viçosa (MG), Brasil.

Clarissa Gusmão Figueiro, Protermo Engenharia Ltda, São Paulo, SP

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Comment citer

Fialho, L. de F., Carneiro, A. de C. O., Figueiro, C. G., Peres, L. C., Carneiro, A. P. S., & Surdi, P. G. (2022). Application of univariate and multivariate statistical analyzes in clonal selection of <i>Eucalyptus</i> spp. for charcoal production. Ciência Florestal, 32(3), 1659–1683.



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