Conceptual frontiers about sustainable cities, smart cities and bioeconomy terms: What do scientific researchs, published in literature, have to say?
Sustainability, Public Policy, Sustainable Development GoalsAbstract
Discussions on Sustainable Cities, Smart Cities and Bioeconomics have become more comprehensive over the past few decades, considering the need for the applicability of sustainability among the various human activities around the planet. Then, this paper aims to examine, highlighted by literature, the conceptual boundaries between the Sustainable Cities, Smart Cities and Bioeconomics terms. The systematic review method was applied on this research, based on the website Periódicos Capes and Web Of Science. The search in these databases was carried out from January 2010 to December 2019, resulting in the selection of 217 articles. It found that the academic production related to Sustainable Cities, Smart Cities and Bioeconomics aproaches is scarce. The results motivate the continuation of new survey complementary data in other data bases in order to expand its scope of research.
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