Bioeconomy: a theoretical essay on the dimensions of stakeholder's conceptual approaches
Sustentabilidade, Objetivos do desenvolvimento sustentável, Políticas públicas, Energias naturais renováveis, BioativosAbstract
The emerging scientific proposition of bioeconomy has been shown to be a development strategy available to countries, producing regions and agents linked to production chains. The principle of bioeconomy is to seek to reduce the negative socio-environmental impacts that the development model, based on fossil fuels, has been causing on the planet. The United Nations works for a new global governance aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, paying special attention to global and territorial demands related to climate change mitigation, the promotion of sustainable agriculture, and the production of cleaner renewable energy. However, promoting a sustainable bioeconomy is not a neutral notion. Each of the stakeholders, researchers, governmental or supranational organizations tend to favor conceptual approaches, which aim to favor local opportunities. Thus, this theoretical essay aims to reflect on the conceptual approaches of the terms bioeconomy and sustainable bioeconomy. Specifically, it seeks to know how conceptual approaches apply to the material realities of the stakeholders who undertake them. Due to the methodological procedures adopted, it was possible to verify that the absence of a consensus regarding the term bioeconomy has to do with the vision focused on the interests of each stakeholder, which seeks to provide opportunities for the achievement of its objectives.
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