Mitigation of CH4 emissions in sanitary landfills: an efficient technological arrangement to reduce Greenhouse gas emission
Public Policies, Greenhouse Gas, Climate ChangesAbstract
Problems related to the solid waste have been shown a relevant subject, by contributing to global warming and climate change. The MSW is one of the main sources of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions, especially the methane gas (CH4). Towards this concern, the general objective of this research is to estimate CH4 emissions produced at the Dom Antonio Barbosa II Sanitary Landfill, situated in the City of Campo Grande, state of MS. Its aim, specifically, is to verify the gravimetric composition of these residues, as well as measure the amount of the MSW already existing and also the volume placed in the mentioned sanitary landfill. The CH4 emissions were estimated in an accumulated total of 2,364,556.28 tCO2eq. It was obtained a total reduction of 1,479,693.87 tCO2eq by methane burning, transforming it into CO2, thus it was possible mitigating the emissions of 62.65% of CH4 generated in DAB II landfill. It is expected that the results from this research contribute to the attenuation of the problems related to the MSW impact on the environment, as well as reflect on the effectiveness of the current adopted technological model.
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