Energy efficiency project: analysis of the installation of photovoltaic panels at the Curitiba City Hall
Renewable energy sources, Photovoltaic solar energy, Energy efficiencyAbstract
Brazil stands out for the use of renewable energy sources in its energy matrix. Even so, it suffers from the risks of collapse and depletion of resources, as occurred in the beginning of the 21st century. In view of this, there is a need to promote growth in the use of other less polluting energy sources, such as photovoltaic solar energy. Some factors contribute to the growth in the use of this technology, such as: scarce rains, constant increases in electricity tariffs, tax exemption and expansion of credit lines that guarantee resources for the best use of abundant solar radiation. In this context, this study aimed to analyze the feasibility of implementing the solar energy generation system, from the installation of photovoltaic panels, in the Curitiba (Brazil) City Hall, seeking to encourage the expansion of access to photovoltaic energy, as a way to reduce spending on electricity, preserving the environment and maximizing the municipality's energy efficiency. This is an exploratory study, developed based on data obtained from secondary sources, which provided a new approach to the subject and which enabled the significant achievement of positive results, including the financial one.
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