Strategic plan to achieve the SDGs in South Brazil: evidence from the Regional Development Council articulated with the 2030 Agenda
Strategic development plan, Regional Council, South Brazil, Sustainable development, Sustainability, Regional developmentAbstract
The Regional Development Councils (Coredes), created in 1994, have become spaces for discussion of public policies, promotion of governance, and citizen participation in the multiple areas in which the public power operates. In this task, the Councils assume the work of elaborating the strategic plans of regional development. The 28 Coredes of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, promote this work responsibility and periodically carry out its evaluation and eventual correction every 10 years, financed by the state government. The last review process, which ended in July 2017, was a process carefully handled by a team of technicians from a university. Universities contribute as articulators to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. This study aims to analyze the methodologies used in this participatory process, the strategies defined, and the proposed projects linked to the 2030 Agenda by the United Nations. From the diagnosis, it was possible to identify the potentialities and challenges for Strategic Development Planning in the region. The following are themes of the Sustainable Development Goals: health, education, infrastructure, and production, among others.
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