Architectures of Playing: enchanted huts




early childhood education, art, aesthetics.


Young children create and invent possibilities of existence in the public spaces of early childhood education. The present article presents the possibilities of a pedagogy of the senses in which the process of creation with the huts produced and spread throughout the spaces evidences the authorship of the children and the teacher. Presenting paths and transforming space-time in a dynamic that makes the paths restless and dynamic, with openness to the new. The dialogue with architecture, art and child education, allows understanding the relevance of the existence of a powerful planning and a curriculum that tend to be reviewed, because the political, aesthetic and ethical fields transit as a two-way street, highlighting the protagonism and authorship of inventiveness and the children's collective.


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Author Biographies

Fernanda Ferreira de Oliveira, Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba

Doutoranda e Mestra em Educação pela UNIMEP, pedagoga e professora de EMEI de Piracicaba, militante do FEIPIRA, membra do HINAS linha Narrativas pedagógicas, escritas (auto)biográficas e memória: desenvolvimento profissional docente e práticas educativas. Email:

Peterson Rigato da Silva, UNESP - Rio Claro

Doutorando em educação pela UNESP/Rio Claro, pedagogo e mestre em educação pela UNICAMP, diretor de EMEI em Piracicaba-SP, militante do FPEI (Fórum Paulista de Educação Infantil), pesquisador do grupo IM@GO-UNESP e do GEPEDISC linha Culturas Infantis, UNICAMP. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Ferreira de Oliveira, F., & Rigato da Silva, P. (2021). Architectures of Playing: enchanted huts. Revista Digital Do LAV, 14(2), 173–186.