Albers and Kaprow: notes on the art knowledge in Education


  • Kelly Sabino Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil.



Art, Education, Contemporary art


The present article aims to reflect on art education from a two-dimension investigation: verifying the "art knowledge" present in art-education and ascertaining ways of understanding the art class as creation through artistic procedures in the "art knowledge". It brings up writings by the artists Allan Kaprow and Joseph Albers on their artistic and teaching practices as possible investigative ballasts for a teaching practice based on artistic creation. To do so, it uses a Deleuzian perspective on creativity, in which art is a way of thought operation. Therefore, understanding an art class that has thought as primary material and relating it to educative clues that the artists produce in their works may boost reflections beyond an art education based on fixed methodologies and content programs.


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How to Cite

Sabino, K. (2016). Albers and Kaprow: notes on the art knowledge in Education. Revista Digital Do LAV, 162–176.

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