Education, body and emancipation: considerations for critical education in the contemporary school
Education, Body, Conscious bodyAbstract
This is a theoretical essay that aims to present theoretical-conceptual contributions for us to think about the construction of a critical and emancipatory education in contemporary school. Through the contributions on experience and education by Walter Benjamin and Theodor Adorno and the notions of liberating education and the conscious body by Paulo Freire, it is envisaged to argue about the need for critical education of the present to permeate the body. Therefore, it is pointed out that the project of legitimizing the modern school aiming at an education for emancipation gains momentum from the moment in which objects of knowledge start to be treated not as incompressible abstractions, but as concepts that can be learned by the body, as experiences that can become concepts, or experiences that are also expressions of concepts. Deep down, it is about recognizing that in social life, in true experience and education, it is impossible and sometimes problematic to separate the concept of the object from its practical expression.
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