Geography and the new high school: a systematic review of the literature
High School Reform, Law 13.415/2017, BNCCAbstract
In this article, elements were presented to discuss what is being researched on geography for high school after the 2017 reform. Teaching geography in high school is important for the formation of a critical citizen, aware of their rights and duties. The methodology used was a systematic review of the literature that sought to answer the following question: what is the state of the art in research involving the teaching of geography in high school after the 2017 reform? Thus, the objective of this work was to describe the state of the art in research on teaching geography in high school, identifying the areas, methods and methodologies used. For this, databases of periodicals, which are representative and widely used in other systematic review works, were researched. After following all the steps of the methodology, six papers were chosen, and only three brought questions about the reform of secondary education. This theme still raises much debate and publications in spaces with greater visibility. It is suggested an expansion of the work with the incorporation of educational and geography periodicals.
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