Education Training: Methodological Ethical-Political Challenges
Teacher training, School, Pedagogical practicesAbstract
The article puts into question the training processes of male and female educators. It asks for a conceptual-methodological direction that produces universalizing and naturalizing educational practices, which form-conform professionals, dissociating pedagogical practices from the political practices that engender them. It dissociates the idea of training in education as pedagogical competence, training, awareness - which is associated with specialisms, normalizing discourses, the modeling of ways of acting and producing education. It proposes other directions of analysis that consider the know-how and the complexity of relationships effected in the school, which intensify the procedural dimension of formation in the educational scope. It pursues processes that take the technical-political inseparability as direction. It seeks, therefore, subsidies to break with homogenizing, controlling and totalizing educational practices, proposing processes formulated from an ethos that affirms autonomy and collective construction, that is open to history, to becomings, to the unpredictable, which constitute, in alliance with the movements at school, ethical-political pedagogical practices of expansion and multiplicity of living.
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