Physical Education in the first years of Elementary Education: An Investigation about the challenges and contributions presented by area research
Physics Teaching, Primary School, Elementary Education, Basic EducationAbstract
Physics teaching in Elementary Education (EE) is not a widely explored topic in the Physics Degree course, but its importance has grown within the BNCC publication. So, becomes evident the importance of studying this topic and raising the main published contributions on this subject, as well as ascertaining the main challenges that the teachers responsible for this teaching are facing. In this work we aim to analyze the publications, from 2006 to 2019, related to this area in the three major national events that include the area of research in Physics teaching: Simpósio Nacional de Ensino de Física, Encontro de Pesquisa em Ensino de Física and Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciência. The articles found were categorized and analyzed using the content analysis (BARDIN, 2011). The results show that there is a wide variety of contributions to this level of education and that the challenges are very similar to those found at any level, although some are more recurrent during elementary school. In addition, the analysis points to an increase in research related to the scope of this work and in the development of didactic materials that can contribute to facing the challenges raised. Furthermore, the importance of reformulating the current education system is emphasized, decentralizing the responsibility of the Biology teacher, opening space for the work of Physics and Chemistry teachers in Science Teaching in EE.
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