Educational app, Evaluation, Educational gameAbstract
More and more teachers are appropriating educational applications with the aim of helping students in the teaching and learning process. In this article, we present the evaluation of a free digital version of the game “Stopots Online”, developed by Onrizon Games. This game takes up the concepts of the traditional Stop or Adedonha game, as it is popularly known. In the case under study, the game was optimized so that fifth-year elementary school students could understand the classification of nouns, which refers to common or proper nouns, concrete or abstract, primitive or derived, simple or compound, and finally, collective. The research was carried out through a non-experimental case study, following the MEEGA+ method, for evaluating educational games (PETRI; WANGENHEIM; BORGATO, 2018). Data collection was performed shortly after application of the game. As main results obtained from the point of view of the subjects of this research, the game presents a good usability and provides a positive experience to the player, being only necessary to adjust the number of questions to be filled out and the time allotted to answer them. The results of this study can help teachers to adopt such a game in their pedagogical practices and thus be able to provide playful learning experiences for their students.
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