Percepção de ecossistema vivenciado pelos alunos do 6º ano da EMEF 21 de abril, Panambi-RS
Environmental Education, Environment, AwarenessAbstract
This study has the overall objective use the sight of environmental educator to support students in 6th grade of elementary school, to educate adults with whom they live, seeking their awareness and change attitudes. Those involved in the research are the students of 6th grade of EMEF 21 de Abril, Panambi-RS and their parents or guardians. Analyzing the questions about where they live, and how they are perceived exploitation of the environment by man, we establish dialogue on the role of each person in its preservation. We raised the discussion about the Environmental Education as a whole, the process in which she is presently in, and responsibility of each one, relating to studies of various authors on the subject, contributing to progress, achievements and challenges of environmental education. The results showed that students understand that there are challenges to be overcome, actions to be put in place to happen a change of behavior with respect to the environment.Downloads
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