Dynamics and educational games as a tool for the preservation of environmental resources
Education, Environmental awareness, Teaching and learningAbstract
Environmental resources are undergoing a process of decay constant and is doing a great degradation in natural ecosystems. One of the major problems of today is a lot of waste. The objective was to sensitize the students so outgoing with active classes to develop a sense of critical environmental issues in order to develop solutions to environmental problems. The work was performed at Educandário Learning to Learn, private school elementary school in the city of Bananeiras-PB. The subjects were a group of fifteen students in the 5th year of Primary school. The same occurred in the months of November to December 2012. The methodologies used were dynamic with: balloons, and fighter-word puzzle to develop environmental issues with the students. The dynamics of facilitated dialogue balloons in room encouraging them to talk, ask questions and give their opinion. Puzzles allowed students to make a reflection about the pollution of water and soil, waste that is exposed in nature, the benefits of separate collection for recycling the materials and the time it takes for some materials decompose. Moreover, the word search awoke in educating the spirit of teamwork, attitude key to behavior change society. We conclude that dynamic games and contributed to the process of recovery and formation of environmental awareness of the students, helping in changing behaviors and facilitated the assimilation of content by students so extroverted.
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