"Thinking and Acting" as a fundamental and basic didactic principle for a school learning process


  • Reiner Hildebrandt-Stramann




Teaching, Learning, Child, School, Body


The text reflects on the importance of the didactic principle "to think and act" in the process of teaching and learning in Physical School Education. These concepts are always dialectically related. The human corporeality is a fundamental ally, and must be integrated with learning that acts as an active action so that a "se-movimentar" is possible, didatically important and theoretically legitimating the teaching "learning by movement".


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How to Cite

Hildebrandt-Stramann, R. (2018). "Thinking and Acting" as a fundamental and basic didactic principle for a school learning process. Kinesis, 36(2). https://doi.org/10.5902/2316546434444



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