In the footsteps of history: tracing relationships between disability and society


  • Gustavo Martins Piccolo Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Enicéia Gonçalves Mendes Universidade Federal de São Carlos



Disability, Freak Shows, Difference.


This paper aims, through a process of literature review, contribute to the understanding of disability as social production temporally and spatially located. It focuses on the Medieval period, with the objective explain how the disability was understood in this historical context, to do so, we make use of studies Kapler, Minois and fundamentally Rosemaire Garland-Thompson and his work on the freak shows. These texts allow us to brush the relationship between disability and society against so unusual forms, allowing the critical of the alleged condition as aforesaid limitation or dependence, whose achievement is embodied as a work of capitalism and not the entire history of humanity as they intend our notes.


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Author Biographies

Gustavo Martins Piccolo, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Doutorando em Educação Especial e mestre em Educação pela UFSCar. Graduado em licenciatura e bacharelado pela UFSCar e professor efetivo de Educação Física da rede estadual de educação, município de Araraquara.

Enicéia Gonçalves Mendes, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Pós-Doutorado SORBONNE- UNIVERSITE PARIS V- RENE DESCARTES. Doutora em Psicologia pela USP (Universidade São Paulo). Professora adjunta da UFSCar



How to Cite

Piccolo, G. M., & Mendes, E. G. (2012). In the footsteps of history: tracing relationships between disability and society. Special Education Magazine, 25(42), 29–41.

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