Students with disabilities in adult education: reflections on the specialized educational services from the report of a special education teacher
Special education, Young and adults education, Specialized educational services.Abstract
The goal on this present study is to demonstrate the partnership between specialized educational services and Education of young and adults. This partnership, exist at a municipal school in Sao Paulo. This study used the method reference by exploration research through the case study. The study was done at the municipal elementary school, place that works with children with disabilities. The study used enrolled students on the model of Education of Adults and Youth. The collection data occurred by semi-structure interview, focused on Expert Educational Service with people with disability. The result showed that the majority of the disabled students (EJA) had an intellectual disability. They also worked at on different places and did not show up at school(AEE). The teachers did not have trouble to working with those students. New study it is important to contemplate strength partnership between EJA and an Special Education.Downloads
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