The body of knowledge in special education: discourses and events


  • Antônio Carlos do Nascimento Osório Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul



Special education, Inclusive schooling, Corpus of knowledge.


This article deals with reflections on the discipline of Education within the theme of Special Education – Inclusive Schooling, having for its theoretical and methodological subsidies part of the writings referenced in Michel Foucault, giving meaning to the itinerary to the subsidies around the relations between knowledge and power in their complexities and different dimensions. The dimensions of each discipline were linked according to the form and dimensions of the interests of one or more groups of researchers, in search of the interlacing of languages, expressions used, constituting prototype glossaries and propositional tools, reflecting comprehensions of philosophical theories and propositions saved by metalanguages, among their themes, thematical contents, objects and subjects. Using electronic consultation of the Bank of theses held online at the CAPES [Coordenadoria Aperfeiçoamento do Pessoal do Ensino Superior (CAPES)], thus permitting the delimiting of the corpus understood as a collection of naturally occurring texts, true and disposable, permitting approximations of a state or the identification of a variety of languages. Posteriorly, dissertation and thesis reports on the same theme, also electronically available in eight post-graduate programs in education. The definition of these choices of a methodological nature permits tracing some paths on the pursuit of the conditions under which the theme of Special Education has been treated through the conceptions of inclusive schooling marked by struggles, confrontations, behaviors, decisions and strategies, assuming characteristics of the peculiarities of the observations related to the production of technical discourses and of their results, in the relations inherent to the paradox, parking specificities.


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How to Cite

Osório, A. C. do N. (2015). The body of knowledge in special education: discourses and events. Special Education Magazine, 28(53), 779–790.