Chemical profile and therapeutic potential of the essential oil and nanoemulsions of Citrus x sp (Tanja Lemon)
Nanoemulsions, Activity, Essential oilAbstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical profile and therapeutic potential of the essential oil and nanoemulsions of Citrus x sp (Tanja Lemon). Hydrodistillation was used to extract the essential oil. Gas Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) was used for the analysis of chemical constituents. The phenolic content (CFT) was analyzed by the Folin-Ciocalteau assay, and flavonoids (CFLT) by complexation with aluminum. The nanoemulsions were formulated by the phase inversion method. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by a hydroxyl radical assay and the anti-inflammatory activity by protein denaturation, and antiarthritic activity by a cyclooxygenase inhibition assay in bovine albumin serum. By means of GC/MS, limonene was identified as the major component (70.25%). The determination of CFT and CFLT quantified 227.645 mg EAT g-1 and 86.57 mg EQ g-1. For antioxidant capacity, nanoemulsions have EC50 values of 9.10-11.28 mg L-1. In anti-inflammatory activity, synergies quantified 4.63-11.03 mg L-1. For the antiarthritic activity, it is noted that among the nine synergies formulated, some manifested excellent antiarthritic activity, with EC50 values of 1.9-1.98 mg L-1. It can be affirmed that the formulations produced from Citrus x sp presented satisfactory results, evidencing the efficacy of their properties.
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