Potentiation of the anti-inflammatory effect of Attalea speciosa (babassu) oil microemulsions through the incorporation of Citrus x aurantium L. (sour-orange) essential oil.
Microemulsion, Anti-inflammatory, Essential oilAbstract
This study analyzed the anti-inflammatory activity of a microemulsion of A. speciosa oil with incorporation of the essential oil of Citrus × aurantium (sour orange). The plant material used in this research was collected in the region of São Luís-MA. The essential oil was extracted by hydrodistillation. The chemical constituents were identified by Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). The microemulsions were formulated with A. speciosa oil, Citrus × aurantium and Tween 20. The total phenolic content was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu spectrophotometric method. The anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated using the protein denaturation method with calculation of the 50% Efficient Concentration (EC50). The total phenolic content and refractive index were found, respectively, for the oil of A. speciosa and for the essential oil of C. aurantium, being 238.01; 1.454 and 232.2; 1,470. It was observed that the oil of A. speciosa has greater anti-inflammatory activity than the essential oil of C. aurantium, while the formulated microemulsion showed greater anti-inflammatory activity than both tested individual oils. Finally, it is concluded that the microemulsion was effective in the anti-inflammatory process, indicating that the incorporation of the essential oil of C. aurantium to the microemulsion of A. speciosa increased its anti-inflammatory potential, confirming the possibility of its use with anti-inflammatory action.
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