Active school: Learning can “track” another way
Learning, School teaching, MovementAbstract
In distinctive areas of scientific knowledge and in different countries, especially among developed countries, the “active school” has become a focus of study. The aim of this study is to present several theoretical reasons and previous evidences which lead to the recommendation to incorporate physical activity into the classroom. After a literature review, considering predominantly studies from Germany, we summarize reasons in favor of the integration of physical activity, coming from the point of view of ergonomics, physiology, health pedagogy, education for safety, school ecology, educational theory, childhood life, anthropology, developmental and learning psychology. We differentiate physical activities that accompany learning from those that facilitate it. The Active School promises positive effects on the individual, social and scholar development of children and young people. It seems plausible that the movement contributes to learning. This is theoretically justified and is being verified empirically, however the State of Knowledge is not yet conclusive.
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