The environmental education through reuse of kitchen oil in children education
Environment, Soap Production, Formal TeachingAbstract
The paper presents an Environmental Education initiative carried out during the second semester of 2018, in a School of Child Education in Crissiumal-RS, involving the classes of Maternal I and Maternal II, teachers and parents of the students in the construction of environmental knowledge related to residual cooking oil and its use for the production of soap. The work is part of the research-action modality, analyzing the knowledge of the subjects involved and intervenes to a change of attitude to promote the correct disposal of residual cooking oil. Among the activities carried out are the production of an informative pamphlet, questioning and ludic activity that carry out a survey on the disposal of residual cooking oil, a lecture and the production of soap as an alternative and sustainable way of discarding. The results showed the advances in the concepts regarding the disposal of residual cooking oil and a reformulation of actions aimed at the preservation of the environment. The lecture and the production of soap were essential for this change of perception and potentiated the dissemination of environmental knowledge, which was taken to the school and family environment, promoting a new posture regarding the disposal of residual cooking oil.
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