Contribuições da Praxiologia Motriz para a formação de professores de Educação Física
Formação, Praxiologia Motriz, Educação físicaAbstract
In defense of a perspective of continuing teacher education as a permanent process, which develops over time and which arises from the interest of this group of professionals, two training initiatives on Motor Praxiology were carried out. Thus, the purpose of this article is to present and reflect on the development and interactions between teachers in these two training scenarios. Twenty Physical Education teachers participated in the study, 12 from the training initiative 1 and eight from the training initiative 2. The data collection techniques were the recordings of the synchronous meetings and the written records of the activities carried out in the asynchronous format. Teachers revealed expectations that escape the limits of praxiological theory. They also demonstrated understanding to analyze body practices, especially by accessing the concepts of internal logic, motor interaction and CAI. Such knowledge provided preliminary approximations with the daily teaching action. The duration of the two courses proved to be insufficient for deepening the ludomotor universals and the articulations between Motor Praxiology and pedagogical theories.
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